Junko Takefuta's site

Research Projects

What is the Learning Materials Navigator?

The 3 Step System Listening Courseware consists of 20 varieties (each learning material requires 30 hours of study) at this time, and can be classified into 5 genres and levels 0 to 5 based on difficulty. The particular learning material that matches the needs, level of English proficiency, and interest of a learner can be chosen from these 20 learning materials in a short period of time. Through learners studying using learning materials that are optimal for each of them, it is possible to have them improve the efficiency of their study while having them maintain their motivation for self-study.

Genre 1: Survival English
0First Step Abroad
0First Listening
Genre 2: English for General Academic Purpose
1~2Introduction to College Life
3College Life
4College Life Ⅱ
4People Talk
4College Lectures
Genre3: English for Engineering
1~2English for Science 1
3~4English for Science 2
Genre 4: Everyday English
1American Daily Life
2New York Live
3People at Work
3~4Gateway to Australia
3~4Canadian Ways
3~4A Bit of Britain
4You’ve got Mail
4Movie Time 1
4Movie Time 2
Genre 5: News & Broadcast
5AFP News from the World
5World Health Issues
