The Center for English Language Education is responsible for planning, developing, and carrying out activities aimed at advancing English education for Chiba University’s faculties and graduate schools.
At Chiba University, in addition to the general English courses for undergraduate and graduate students, there is a wide range of active learning facilities and activities, such as English House, study abroad programs, language exchange programs and English learning software. We strongly encourage you to use these opportunities to enhance your English skills and help you succeed in our global society.
The Center for English Language Education is responsible for planning, developing, and carrying out activities aimed at elevating English education for all faculties and graduate schools at Chiba University.
In addition to the General English courses for undergraduate and graduate students, there is a wide range of active learning facilities and activities, such as English House, study abroad programmes, language exchange programmes and English learning software. We strongly encourage you to take these opportunities to enhance your English skills and help you succeed in the global society.
English Curriculum
Introducing a curriculum that will help you develop the skills you need to communicate in English.
You can have a casual 20-minute conversation with an SA. The SAs come from a variety of countries including Japan. You can choose who you would like to speak with and take the session either face-to-face or online. Reservations can be made via the web! Click here
*SA: Abbreviation for Student Assistant -a student who is fluent in English. The majority are international students, but there are also some Japanese SAs.
Join Lunch Chat at English House.
The event is held every day. Please check the English House SNS for details as the Lunch Chat language is not always English. Feel free to visit and bring your lunch! Click here
Join LEX (Language Exchange Programme).
This is a type of tandem learning. You apply online and are partnered with a student of the language you wish to learn. You teach each other about your language and culture and make friends at the same time. The LEX programme runs for 10 weeks in each semester. and registration is in April and October. Don't miss out! Click here
Take classes with students from other cultures.
J-PAC is a program for undergraduate students at partner universities who are interested in Japanese culture and society. With international students and Japanese students in the same class, it is a great opportunity for cross-cultural interaction. Click here J-PAC: Japan Program at Chiba. J-PAC: Japan Program at Chiba, a long-term exchange program at Chiba University.
What should I do if I want to study abroad?
Gather information from the Study Abroad Office.
There are many things to consider, such as timing, duration, and destination.
You can find a lot of information on the Study Abroad office website, for example, information on short-term and long-term programmes, events such as seminars by people who have studied abroad and information on financial support. There are also Chiba University Moodle courses such as "Study Abroad Program for Undergraduate Students" and “Study Abroad Program for Graduate Students”, where you can see information about each program in detail.
Click here
Attend seminars by people who have studied abroad.
By listening to the stories of seniors who have studied abroad, you may be able to get a concrete image of what it is like to study abroad. You will also be able to learn about the points to consider when choosing a study abroad destination and what preparations are necessary beforehand. Click here
Consult with the International Student Office.
You can make an appointment with the International Student Division to discuss study abroad either online or in person at the Nishi-Chiba Campus. By gathering as much information as possible on your own before your consultation, you will be able to get more useful advice. Click here
How can I prepare for an English exam like IELTS, TOEIC or Eiken?
Take an English Elective course.
Electives such as "Study Abroad Preparation" will prepare you for the TOEFL iBT and IELTS exams. Study Abroad Preparation (B) focuses on IELTS and Study Abroad Preparation (C) focuses on TOEFL iBT. Search the syllabus and take the course.
Book an Individual Lesson at English House.
You can take a 25-minute individual lesson with a teacher. You can choose your teacher based on their specialities and you can take the lessons face-to-face or online. Individual lessons are free of charge. Reservations can be made online, but you need to book early! Click here
Join an English House Workshop.
Various workshops are held on an irregular basis. For example, "IELTS Workshops," "Academic Vocabulary Workshop," "How to get a High Score in TOEIC” etc. Check the English House website for more information. Click here
Join a Study Group at English House.
Groups of students with similar aims, for example to gain a target score in TOEIC or TOEFL iBT come to an orientation meeting at English House at the beginning of the semester and are organised into groups depending on their aims and availability. Each group of students decides on their own schedule, learning aims, materials, and methods of study. A teacher is available to answer any questions or provide advice if necessary.